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Advertise your job posting
Add Store Item
10$ÂAdd more items to your company store (above 4 free items)Â- $10 per item above the 4 items included for free
- Items will stay in store unless discontinued by supplier
- Free replacement for discontinued items
1-Month Ad
69.99$ÂPost your job to for 30 days.Valid for 4 weeks- 30 day advertisement on
- Design not included
- Clicks directed to landing page with additional info
- Leads from landing page provided
Direct to Site Ads
119.99$ÂBypass landing page, send leads straight to your siteValid for 4 weeks- 30 day advertisement on
- Design not included
- Leads directed to site of your choice, not landing page
Design Package
149.99$ÂGet help designing your ad materials, social media postsValid for 2 weeks- Custom ad banner design for
- Custom social media post design
- Ad space NOT included, please purchase separately
Social Media Ad
39.99$ÂOne-time, custom social media postValid for 4 weeks- Customized social media ad campaign
- Design not included
- Geo-targeted
Featured Employer
499.99$ÂFeatured employer of month, subject to availabilityValid for 4 weeks- Top placement on
- Targeted social media campaign
- Design consultation included
- Bypass landing page, direct traffic straight to your site
Monthly Basic Ad
59.99$Every monthSet-up automatic advertisements that renew monthly and save 14 day free trial- Advertisement on
- Design not included
- Clicks directed to landing page with additional info
- Leads from landing page provided
- Renews monthly, cancel anytime
VIP Monthly Ad
99.99$Every monthRecurring monthly advertisement bypassing landing page 14 day free trial- Advertisement on
- Renews monthly, cancel anytime
- Leads bypass landing page, directed to site of your choice
- Design not included
- Best Value
Enterprise Plan (x4)
399.99$Every monthUp to four job slots, social media and bypass includedÂ- Advertising plan and design consulting
- Geo-targeted, monthly social media posts
- Up to 4 ad spots on
- Full customer support
- Plan renews monthly, cancel anytime
Enterprise Plan (x8)
499.99$Every monthUp to eight job slots, social media and bypass includedÂ- Advertising plan and design consulting
- Geo-targeted, monthly social media posts
- Up to 8 ad spots on
- Full customer support
- Plan renews monthly, cancel anytime
Enterprise Plan (15)
599.99$Every monthUp to 15 job slots, social media and bypass includedÂ- Advertising plan and design consulting
- Geo-targeted, monthly social media posts
- Up to 4 ad spots on
- Full customer support
- Plan renews monthly, cancel anytime
By signing up for this plan, you agree for your card to be charged monthly.
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